I have been
out of town for the last couple of weeks, so I was excited to work on the car all weekend. The shaft locks arrived while I was gone, so I set to work attaching the motor to the transmission. I had one small setback. The motor is a metric 112M size, which means that it is 112 mm from the base to the center of the shaft. It also should mean that it has a 28mm diameter shaft. For some reason, though, this one had an 1 1/8" shaft. This was a problem because the shaft lock I bought is 28mm. No worries, though. 28mm is smaller than 1 1/8", so I just turned the shaft down on the lathe.

This was good, as it gave me an excuse to take the motor apart.
Next, I test fit everything, and ran the motor for the first time attached to the transmission

Everything ran smoothly, so time to start putting it all in the car!